
 4 a reason

I believe, that people appear in our life for a reason. They can be blessings or lessons. Both are valuable. I like meeting people, from whom I can learn, thanks whom I can grow spiritually, and intellectually. I had enough luck in life to meet such people.

I am idealist. I don’t understand cruelty, and injustice. It should not happen. World is big enough to people live in peace, and harmony.

I don’t need my friends to be rich, I just need them to be true. I don’t need to communicate with them daily, I just need that feeling of safety, that I can rely on them always, and that they can accept me the way I am. If I give my friendship, it’ll be for ever. No matter time or distance. In other case it will not be true. I treat people, and feelings serious. 

4 ever friends

Just a dream – reposted

Valentine’s Day is coming, so I decided to repost this story. Lazy me, hehehe. Happy Valentine’s Day!

The arms, that hug tightly. That light in his eyes, that makes her feel desired. Warmth of his breath on her neck. And a soft voice whispering to her ear: “I love you”.
It was a beautiful day. Sun was shining so bright, that she had to close her eyes a bit looking at him in his white shirt. But anyway she couldn’t stop looking at him. He looked like a mythological hero. Majestic, and simply beautiful.
That feeling of safety, and unlimited happiness, that nothing can break…
She woke up, but feeling still safe, and happy. Sun was still rising beautifully. But all was just a dream. But she still remembered his words: “Believe in your dreams. They do come true.” She smiled.


Keep trying

It’s better to try, and fail, than never try, and regret it till the end of life. I absolutely agree with that. I didn’t get, what I wanted, so maybe I didn’t need it. Mostly there are a couple of ways of solving the same problem. When one doesn’t work, we should try another.

I was invited on casting to some project, but alas they didn’t take me. I failed in one thing, but I won in another. I met again a couple of great people, who made me keeping believing in myself. I thought, that it would be great to work together, and I regret, that we won’t, but I will keep good memories about them.

I like in myself, that obstacles don’t discourage me, but in contrary motivate me to work harder, to go further, to reach higher. I will keep going forward. I will start new life as I planed, no matter what 🙂

try more

Take the chance

God, or fate as you wish, sends us many chances, but it depends on us will we take them or miss them. I have to confess, that I missed too many good opportunities in my life. So I said to myself: “Enough!” I promised myself to take a risk instead of looking for excuses.

Coelho - power of decisions

We can pray for miracle, but we also can help miracle to happen. I am working over some miracle right now. Please pray for me 🙂


Happy weekend!



Happy New Year

I was thinking about, what to post as the New Year wishes… there should be fireworks, champaigne etc. I decided to post something different. Some thought for a New Year. And every year. 

Coelho - doubt

Just move forward. Never give up. Especially on yourself.

Happy New Year! May it be the best year ever. Cheers!

Choose wisely

Coelho - beauty of small things

Maybe I am too big optimist, but I truly believe, that we can find something positive in every day. We can choose the way of looking at things, we can choose to what to pay attention, and to what not. We can choose, what to remember, and what not. Choose wisely, because happiness comes from within, not from outside circumstances. Ok, a couple of years ago, I myself would not believe it, but I had enough luck in life to meet people, who helped me to look at things different way.

I was absent for long time again. I’m glad to be back.

I wish you happy weekend full of beautiful moments 🙂


Coelho - u r light of the world

We are capable to change the world for better. Nobody will do that for us. So lets start from today 🙂

Love above all

People are different, they look different, they have different desires, and dreams. As long as we can not learn to respect differences, and people’s right to own choices, there will be wars, hate, and bullying. Only, when we learn to love, and respect people above differences, we will be able to change the world for better.


pozory mogą mylić

I chose a picture, that may not suit well a post, but I like it. It’s about easy judgments.  We should not pay so big attention to appearances, because appearances can be deceiving. We should look deeper. To not hurt people, who don’t deserve it, and also to protect ourselves in case of danger.

What really matters

There is a moment in our life, when we have to realise, what really matters. Things, even the most beautiful, are only things. We can not take them, when we will be gone. All will become a dust with time. What will stay, it’s what we did for others. For those, who needed us.
Sometimes little help can save somebody’s life. Sometimes it can be small gesture, smile, and care, when despair makes somebody doubt, that anybody cares. We don’t have to do much. Sometimes it’s enough to show, that we care. It can be enough to give people strength to survive the worst.
We are usually so much absorbed with our life, which is running fast, that we even don’t notice, that somebody close to us is fighting the biggest battles in life. They are often to proud to ask for help or just don’t want to bother us with their problems.
We are on this world for each other, not for ourselves. As much will stay in others as much of us will survive after our departure.
I am also a sinner. I could care more. I could be more attentive.
I don’t know, how much time I have. I hope, that enough to change somebody’s life. Enough to save somebody’s life, when it seems, that there is no hope.

I believe in miracles. As long as we breath everything is possible.


My little paradise

I asked recently one of my friends -” Did you see my new Hortensia?” She answered: “Oh yeah! You live there like in paradise”.  I’ve never thought about my little garden like that. I just loved flowers, so I tried to have them arround. 

It made me think how often we belittle, what we have. I thought, that I lead quite modest life,  but it seems, that there will be always somebody, who will envy us something. My friend spends on flowers much more money, than me, so in her mouth calling my small garden “paradise” was really great compliment.

2014-06-06 12.07.52

2014-06-06 11.54.42

New Hortensia:

2014-05-26 21.06.41